Get ready to take control of your future.


Do you feel overwhelmed to pick the “right” post secondary program? Are you unhappy in your current career? Are you bored in retirement? I help my clients pick the right career sector for who they are based on their personality and interests. My method is simple, easy to understand and you’ll finally have a career/work-life GPS that will take you where you want to go.


My Services

I help place clients on a satisfying career path through a simple assessment called the Strong Inventory.  Find more information about my process and how I work below.

See My Services »

About Me

My name is Gale Molle and I’ve been helping a broad range of clientele  since 2010. I’m a certified Strong Interest Practitioner and Meyers Briggs Practitioner. Read more about me below.

About Me »

Happy Clients

I have worked with many students, young adults and adults to help them navigate their way towards a career path of passion and joy. Read about some of their testimonials below.

Happy Clients »



The best part about my practice is that I’m completely mobile. My favourite place to meet clients are local coffee shops throughout the city of Calgary and surrounding areas that are most convenient to you.


Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life.

— Mark Twain