No matter how old you are, I would strongly urge anyone to take the time and really explore their career path. It’s never too late to find your true calling.
— Kelly Young (Managing Partner | Fountainhead Mechanical Inc.)

Happy Clients


I had worked as a plumber out of high school for close to 13 yrs. I always felt that my career was not necessarily a good fit for my personality even though I excelled at my trade.

At 35 years of age, Gale guided me, helped me identify components of my current position that did NOT align with my personality.  She helped me explore different avenues that were a better fit for me and set me on a path to my own success.  After only a couple of months with a new vision, I entered a management position and became a managing partner of a large mechanical contracting company.

By using the Strong, I was finally able to focus on who I was and my strengths.  Gale’s guidance enabled me to truly understand my passion for  working with and helping people.

— Kelly Young (Managing partner | fountainhead Mechanical Inc.)

Gale was hired by myself as a career coach for my 20 yr old son. Her expertise in this area was incredibly useful in helping my son look at many different career choices available within his interests. Gale is a perfectionist, very professional, and has amazing attention to detail. We’re so appreciative of all that she’s done, and I would highly recommend her for the expertise she provides to help bridge the gap between high school and post secondary.

— penny kadhur, Parent & flight attendant | air canada)

I was at a crossroads in my life where I knew I needed a career change but was unsure of what to do. I met with Gale to get some guidance. Her expertise, empathy and the use of the Strong Inventory assessment pinpointed my interest areas and helped me find the right career path for me. We figured out that a career in psychology greatly aligned with my personality and interests. I decided to pursue this route and I have never been happier.

—  J. hildebrandt (Psychology student | University of Calgary)

To have someone as personable as Gale, who has a vested interest in me is invaluable. The in-depth analysis and honest assessment helped me in so many ways. Upon completion of high school, I was unsure of where my life would take me or what I should pursue. Her guidance and counselling helped me take a step forward in pursuing a post-secondary degree that I will truly love. I highly recommend her for anyone interested in finding a career that they actually enjoy.

— jarett bishop (youth worker | westside recreational centre)


Gale helped me at a pivotal time in the middle of my university career.  I was pretty sure of the program I wanted to take but wanted the extra reassurance that it was the right fit for my personality.  I wanted a career that I could be passionate about.  The results were bang on and I’m thrilled to be working within the advertising and marketing industry.

— Amber cormack (Design project manager | shell Canada ltd.)

I am 29 years old and currently working in the health and fitness industry. I have a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. I enjoy my current job but I am looking for something new to push and challenge me in new ways. Before I spoke with Gale, I felt really lost and frustrated with the whole thing because I didn’t know where to start. Gale has helped give me direction on what my options are moving forward. She has made me feel confident there is something out there that is going to be a great fit for me based on my interests but also my strengths as an individual.

The breakdown she provided me from my test results was so thorough and has really opened my eyes to so many new things I could pursue in my future career. Diving into the job search and pursuing a new path can be really overwhelming and scary, but Gale has helped me to feel much more confident about the process. I now have a game plan and I feel prepared and excited for what’s to come. I would highly recommend her services for anyone who is in search of guidance and support when trying to figure out what their career path should be!

— Kirsten peterson (coach | health & fitness industry)

Before I met with Gale at Career Steps, I was very unhappy at my office job.  I had an undergrad degree in business because I didn’t really know what else to do, but I knew I needed a change.  Gale was great in explaining her process and  she really helped me explore many career options.  She used the Strong, as well as meeting with me a couple of times to help me understand what to do.  Her resources are fantastic!

I had no idea where this process was going to take me, but it’s now a few years later, and in 5 months I will be graduating with a Masters of Science in Speech Language Pathology.  Gale was the first person who really encouraged me to explore this field and now I couldn’t be happier in my decision to go back to school and I have loved every minute of it.  I would absolutely recommend Career Steps for anyone looking for a change.

— Stephani Poirier (2nd year Graduate student | University of Montana)

I took the Strong Interest Assessment with Gale last year and I am delighted with the results.  Being a millennial, I feel as though a lot of us are confused with our professional development and lack a proper direction.  However, this self assessment really helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses upon delving deeper into conversation with Gale.

I was able to overlap between skills that I have, could easily acquire and work that I already enjoy doing.  I really wanted to look forward to going to work and not just work as a means to earn freedom in other areas of my life. 

Introspecting with my personal results from the assessment led me to my current job and I honestly could not be happier.  I have the utmost respect for Gale as a mentor and a lot of appreciation for her patient and understanding approach towards me.  It really helped me focus on myself.

— Rishi Mukherjee (Sales Manager | Automotive Industry)