Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

The best part about my consulting practice is that I’m completely mobile. I typically like to meet clients in coffee shops in and around the city of Calgary that are most convenient for you and your lifestyle. No stuffy formal office settings.

What is included in your cost?

My all-in approach is simple and effective. We’ll begin with a phone chat where I get to know you and answer any questions you may have. Next, you’ll complete a comprehensive online assessment which is followed by a 60 minute (approximately) face-to-face meeting where I’ll go through your results in depth. You’ll also go home with a hard and soft copy of your results.

How does payment work?

I operate my practice on a 50/50 model. After our initial phone session, and once I’ve sent you the Strong assessment to complete, I will require 50% payment ($137.50) via e-transfer before we meet to review your results. I will require the second 50% payment ($137.50) via e-transfer  during our  face-to-face session.

Does the strong assessment measure my intelligence?

No, the Strong does not measure ability, skill or intellect.  It only measures interests.

How do my interests correlate in finding my ideal career?

Studies using the Strong Inventory show that when we share the same interests, likes and dislikes as those individuals in the various occupations as flagged in the assessment, we are usually satisfied with the work environment of those occupations.

What is the strong inventory?

The Strong Inventory was created in 1927 by Dr. E.K. Strong, a military psychologist.  It is revised on a regular basis and is a result of nearly a century of comparing the interests of people with those of workers in various occupations.   The theory of the Strong suggests that in our culture, people and occupations can be categorized into a combination of 6 different types or themes. These categories provide a framework for matching people’s interests with the characteristics or features of careers. By participating in the Strong, a pattern of interests is established that reflect the clients personality or theme codes, which identifies their primary interests. The Strong model uses an industry standard career planning model to focus and clarify primary interests that are then matched to post-secondary programs and career options.

is the strong assessment going to tell me exactly what i should do?

No, the  Strong Assessment is not a crystal ball.  The assessment will  help you clarify interests, suggesting multiple career fields and occupations that spark your curiosity and appeal to you.   The goal of the Strong is to get the closest match possible between your personality and the work environment you prefer. 

It’s important to realize that career development isn’t a one shot deal. It’s a lifelong process.  After you are counselled on your Strong results, it is your responsibility to engage in further exploration about careers that interest you and to take action.  Assessment tools are designed to help you learn more about yourself so that you can make informed decisions.


I counsel teens (Grade 11+), young adults, adults and retirees.
